Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Notes from Sharon's on Books and Herbs

In January, I went to an internship weekend at the lovely Sharon Astyk's. We milked goats, chatted, ate food, chatted, knitted, chatted, hauled wood for the cookstove and just all around had a good time. Guess who's good at milking goats? Me! :-P

But I took down a bunch of notes in my little Moleskine (the poor thing is split all down the side! :-( ) and I should put them here for ease of access.

Et voila:

Random Books and Periodicals
Small Farmers Journal
Heirloom Gardner Magazine
Murray McMurray Catalogue (chickens)
Artisan book series: The _______ Pantry (i.e., Mediterranean)
Build Your Own Earth Oven Kiko Denzer
The Complete Tightwad Gazette Amy Dacyczyn (pronounced "decision")

Herbal and Medical Texts
The Herbal Home Remedy Book by Joyce A. Wardwell **Sharon's pick**
The Earthwise Herbal by Matthew Wood **buy this later on in your herbalism study**
The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook James Green **this and the book below are both excellent**
Making Plant Medicine Richo Cech
Growing 101 Herbs That Heal Tammi Hartung **best GROWING book**
Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places Steve Brill with Evelyn Dean **B/W line drawings**
Weeds of the Northeast Richard Uva, Joseph C. Neal, Joseph DiTomaso
Childbearing Year Susun Weed
Herbal Healing for Women Rosemary Gladstar
Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable Juliette de Bairacli Levy **also has one for cat and dog**
The Male Herbal James Green
Healing Wise Susun Wood **very touchy feely**
Herbal Renaissance Steven Foster
Herbal AntibioticsStephen Harrod Buhner **apocalypse book!**
Sacred and Healing Herbal Beers Stephen Harrod Buhner
Family Herbal Rosemary Gladstar
A Kid's Herb Book Leslie Tierra
A Weaver's Garden Rita Buchanan **also A Dyer's Garden**
The Village Herbalist Nancy and Michael Phillips **Sharon's pick**
Herbs For Sale Lee Sturdivant
The Complete Illustrated Holisitic Herbal David Hoffman
The Complete Medicinal Herbal Penelope Ody ** Sharon's pick**

Sharon's Starter Selection
How To Live On Almost Nothing and Have Plenty Janet Chadwick
The Contrary Farmer Gene Logsdon **or anything else by him :-P**
The Encyclopedia of Country Living Carla Emery ** everyone's pick!**
Four-Season Harvest Eliot Coleman
The Complete Book of Composting Rodale Books
Seed to Seed Suzanne Ashworth
The New Seed Starters Handbook Nancy Bubel
Anything Grows! Sheryl London
The Bountiful Container McGee and Stuckley's
Incredible Vegetables from Self-Watering Containers Edward Smith ** recommend take out of library
1001 Old Time Garden Tips Roger Yepsen
Gaia's Garden Toby Hemenway
Toolbox for Sustainable City Living Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew
Idiot's Guide to Vegetable Gardening
How To Grow More Vegetables John Jeavons
The New Victory Garden Bob Thompson ** from the 70s**
Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats Jerry Belanger
Root Cellaring Mike and Nancy Bubel

Herbalism Notes

- Sasparilla pulls heavy metals out of people
- Mullein or Garlic Oil for earaches
* if mullein grows crooked, it's in polluted/heavy metal ground
* mullein, sunflower, and sumac pull heavy metals and remediate your ground (if you compost the plants elsewhere!)
- anise hyssop: great digestive aid, works in tea, leaves and flowers are usable
- garbling: after drying herbs on a stem, the process of crumbling the leaves off of the stem
- elecampane: dig up the root in 2nd year in fall or spring, dehydrate; immune stimulant, anti-inflammatory, used in tea or tincture
- valerian: anxiety, anti-depressant, some get jittery, valerian roots are used -- dig in fall or early spring
- viburnum (cramp bark): "cranberry bark viburnum" loves wet soil, sweetened berries for bird food. Use inner bark, harvest in winter. Don't fully girdle a tree, or it'll die. Dry inner bark, use in tea or tincture
- meadowsweet: flowers and leaves are used, asprin plant, loves damp ground, harvest when it first comes into flower
- willow bark: use the inner bark, harvest in winter, asprin plant, use in tea or tincture
- rose petals: soothing scent and can make jelly
- rose hips: dry (slice to dry) and use for Vitamin C, use in tea or straight, harvest when ripe (looks like a ripe berry)
- hawthorn berries: used for heart irregularities, use tea or eat straight, flowers can be used in tea or tincture
- motherwort: heart herb, leaves in tea or tincture, "cardiac stability", commonly given to laboring women to ease pain without relieving contractions
- raspberry leaf: helps uterus contract, menstrual cramps, good for menopause, use in tea
- chamomile: relaxing tea, milk pain reliever, can be given to infants, use stems in tea for cramps
- nettle: leaf and green seed are used, blood cleaners, high in iron, harvest with GLOVES
- calendula: blossoms are used, "pot marigolds", diaper rash, use in oil or cream, skin injury, burns
- comphrey: use for wounds -- can use a "spit poultice" -- chew it up, don't swallow, spit onto wound; green leaves for rabbits/goats after birth -- also good every day for them
- yarrow: soft bendable stem, leaves and flowers are used, immune stimulant, tincture or tea
- feverfew: use for migraines, really bitter, can eat fresh, flowers and leaves, tea, tincture or fresh
- betony (stachys officianalis): headaches, tincutre or tea, likes part shade, wet or dry, used as a tea substitute
- lambs ear: makes good bandaids, do not take during pregnancy, but can during labor, mouthwash
- scullcap: headache hearb, leaves and flowers, can mix with betony or feverfew, tincture or tea
- red clover: blood thinner, cholesterol lowerer, anti-oxidant, nice tea, maybe for allergy, dried/fresh aerial parts
- slippery elm bark: food -- if you're throwing up, it'll be the only thing you can keep down and keep you hydrated. Mix inner bark (dried and ground up) with water, maybe add a little honey. Does NOT reduce nausea.
- wormwood (artemisia absinthium): used for deworming, used as tea. NOT for pregnant women or people with liver problems.
- mugwort (artemisia vulgaris): used in tea or tincture, appetite stimulant, used to combat irregular periods
- pennyroyal: abortive, oil is toxic, can be used as flea control
- elderberry: vitamin c
- lavender: upset stomach
- marshmallow root: chop to dry, dry it, used for coughs, used in tea, NOT for tincture
- catnip: sedative, can give to young children, good for cholic, stomach relaxant, gas, cramping, will dry a rabbit's milk
- catmint: just a good tea
- lemon verbena: just smells good -- the plant will appear to die so don't worry!
- blackberry: root for diarrhea
- burdock: increasing urine, helps liver
- dandelion: very nutritional, stimulate urine
- garlic: anti-oxidant

Recipes... of a sort
* with comphrey, beeswax and olive oil [cook comphrey in water just a little to soften, then infuse into olive oil, mix with beeswax] use as a lotion for those mere flesh wounds in your life
* 350 mL cheap vodka, qt. raspberries, couple lemons, bunch of lemon verbena leaves -- mash raspberries, squeeze lemons, throw in leaves, 2 c. sugar, pour vodka over and let sit for a few weeks, turning occasionally
* lavender flower, dill seeds, and peppermint tea for upset stomach
* ginger tea for nausea
* catnip and chamomile for calming tea
* honey, lemon and ground culinary flax for coughs
* whiskey with honey helps coughs and helps sleep
* sage tea is good for hot flashes
* sage dries up breast milk
* raspberry leaves, nettle leaves, alfalfa leaves (anti-oxident), oat straw tea -- high in calcium, mild relaxant

* decoction: steep in hot water
* infusion: bring to a boil with herbs, steep for a while
* ATTRA: free brochure on how to secure land -- government program
* a place to get books fairly cheap
* mangle beets: use for animal feed, up to 35 lbs. Bountiful Gardens, FedCo, Seed Savers, etc.
* officinalis means it was the official medicinal plant used (in lieu of other varieties)
* Vitamin C will help constipation
* oregano is good anti-fungal and anti-biotic
* ginko as tea helps blood circulation
* gotu kola leaves are good for alzheimers

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