Alright, just trying to think of what I want to have in storage in my next pantry. I probably have around 10 3 gallon buckets. All of these calculations involved either the package itself, or a measuring cup and a kitchen scale. :-P Also, if 25 gallons per person is a year's supply of food, this is a 6-month supply for the two of us.
-- black beans (18 lbs. worth)
-- oatmeal (3 1/4 cardboard cartons worth)
-- flour (WW pastry or unbleached) (~12-13 lbs. worth)
-- rice (18 lbs. worth)
-- lentils (21 lbs. worth)
-- sugar (20 lbs. worth)
-- great northern beans (18 lbs. worth)
-- kidney beans (18 lbs. worth)
-- roman beans (18 lbs. worth)
-- split peas (21 lbs. worth)
I would do most of this kind of shopping at the Indian grocers nearby. They are also the reason why I have PB jars of spices -- they're dirt cheap and that's the smallest size they sell. :-P
Also, probably around 20 lbs. of pasta, 3-4 jars of pasta sauce, dried fruit, nuts, and other random stuff.
I'd say, "Make your own meat sauce!". But then I just like making life difficult for everyone else ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love your pantry list. Just so perfect! AND healthy. I notice you didn't mention the fridge and freezer -- what might you want in there?
Spice jars totally nails the Indian feel,btw, though we have smaller jars for them. Some people even use little steel jars because steel doesn't break. And sometimes the seeds -- cumin, nigella, paach foron, fennel etc. -- are kept in this little dish which has small separate bowls for each (at first glance it looks like something to make poached eggs in).
Oh and where is this new apartment? The one close to Davis, down the street that leads off Broadway?
ReplyDeleteI never heard of great norther beans! Your lentils and rice look very nice in those jugs.
ReplyDeleteR -- I'm a fan of making my own sauce, but it's not as cost effective unless you have your own tomato plants. But I do only buy sauce on sale. And I'm really picky about what's in it. :-P
Check out where it is! It's techincally 3 blocks closer to the T, because although it's the same distance from Davis that our current place is, it's on the end of Davis that has the T station. :-P
F -- Great Northern beans are pretty tasty. From a website: "Great Northern Beans are a delicately flavored white bean related to the kidney bean and the pinto bean. They are typically grown in the Midwestern US, though some people may grow and harvest them elsewhere. Depending upon where you live, you may find them available canned or dried. Though called a white bean, the color of Great Northern Beans tends toward cream and some say they look similar in shape, albeit smaller, to lima beans."
I like to use more than one kind of bean in soups, so I just picked one that looked good at the Indian grocer across the street. :-P